Jan 17, 2021
Mission Southside
Caroline Branham

This summer has been full of many amazing moments and blessings. God has truly been at work in my life. My heart has been broken for what breaks Christ’s heart, then filled again with the joy and love of God. One specific story that sticks out to me this summer is with Jazmin – one of the LIT girls I’ve been mentoring. Jazmin began LIT reserved and waiting for an opportunity to speak up and share her heart. During a check-in I had with her, I encouraged her to share more in the group times together, because I saw that she was wise beyond her years and was a leader. Fast forward to the next week, when we were sitting in our Faith Focus Bible study time, studying the Lord’s Prayer.

During our time together, we discussed which parts of the prayer spoke to us the most. I then asked Jazmin to share. She responded that what stood out to her was the phrase – “Our Father in Heaven”. I proceeded to ask her why that line struck her the most. She answered back that she doesn’t have a Dad, but that line in the Lord’s Prayer reminds her that she does have a Father and that God is her Dad. I was blown away by her wisdom and how intimate her relationship with God is (especially at such a young age). I was so incredibly proud of her for speaking up and sharing her heart with our Faith Focus group. This statement that she made had me reevaluate how I view my relationship with God.

Jazmin’s words spoke to a truth that is so often forgotten that God is our Father and we can come to Him with anything – no matter what! I strive to have as intimate of a relationship with Jesus as Jazmin does. As the summer has progressed, she has continued to speak up and break out of her shell. I am amazed by Jazmin every day during LIT and her heart for God and His people. Jazmin is a leader and will bring many to Christ with her story!