Creative Giving
There are many different ways to give with Mission Southside. Give through Amazon Smile, Memorial Scholarship, Volunteer Grants, and United Way.
Amazon Smile
If you are interested in a simple and automatic way to give support, have your everyday Amazon purchases benefit Mission Southside. When you shop instead of, Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases directly to the Mission. You shop as you normally would on the site at no extra cost to you, and you do not need to make a separate account.
Memorial Scholarship
Financial gifts may be made in honor of someone who has passed away. These memorial gifts will benefit the Mission Southside Scholarship Fund for high school seniors participating in the College and Career Program. For more information, please contact
Volunteer Grants
Volunteer Grants are charitable gifts given to non-profit organizations by corporations in recognition of volunteer work being done by a company’s employees. Check to see if your employer participates in this phenomenal opportunity:
United Way Directed Giving

Under the United Way donor directed giving program, Mission Southside is eligible to receive donor-directed contributions through the annual United Way of Greater Kansas City fundraising campaign.
Under this program, donors to United Way may designate all or a portion of their gift to Mission Southside.
United Way uses a “write in” approach, in which donors simply need to:
1. Request a “Donor Directed Giving” form when making their United Way pledge. This form is separate from the pledge form and must be requested from the person in the company responsible for collecting United Way pledge forms. Contributors using United Way’s online giving tool are provided the option to designate their gift when making their online pledge.
2. Write in the name of the organization and a phone number or mailing address. If the phone number or address is unknown, the name of the organization is sufficient.
3. Indicate the amount—whether all or a portion—of their pledge that they want to direct to the organization.
When United Way receives a designated contribution to Mission Southside, we will be contacted to provide verification of our services and 501(c)(3) status. Mission Southside will receive payments over the course of the year as the pledge is collected (minus 12.5% for administrative costs).
Your designated United Way contributions are a wonderful way to support the work of Mission Southside.