Mission Southside Annual Charity Golf Tournament registration is now OPEN. Click here to RSVP!

Our Approach

See What We Do
What We Do

Extending help through hope.

At the heart of Mission Southside is a passion to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to people in need. We are stirred by this question: How will the hundreds of thousands of people in our community who may never set foot in our churches fall in love with Jesus?

Extending Help

Through ongoing engagement opportunities on site at apartment complexes and neighborhoods, we look for opportunities to have meaningful conversations that can lead to spiritual conversations, which lead to finding people who are open to begin a Discovery Group (Bible Study) with family members and friends. Prayer is a central component of all that Mission Southside does, because it is only through the power of God that those who do not know and follow Christ will be reached for His kingdom.

Through Hope

Many people cannot open their hearts to Christ until the weight of their physical needs has been lifted. Therefore, Mission Southside desires to provide for the physical needs of low-income families. Donations given through Mission Southside will be used to provide food, clothing, coats, household items, and furniture to those who have urgent physical needs. These items are provided to plant the seeds of hope and love in the hearts of those who are ministered to through Mission Southside.

Homework Huddles

Homework Huddles provides after school assistance to elementary age students.

Back Snack Program

The purpose of the Back Snack Program is to provide food for children who would otherwise have nothing to eat on weekends when they are not attending school. Many of the children who receive these snack packs on the weekend are homeless, or on free and reduced lunch. For many of these kids the only meals they receive on the weekend are these packs. Hungry children have been known to have lower test scores, diminished learning capacity, and increased behavioral problems.

Food Co-Op

Our Food Co-Op provides food to the neighborhoods that we serve through our Neighborhood Teams on Friday afternoons. If you are willing to serve in this area of ministry, please join the team that processes the food on Friday mornings at 10am at Mission Southside.

Holy Haulers

Holy Haulers is a ministry that picks up large furniture and appliances and delivers them to people who need specific large items.

Donation Information:  If you have a large item such as a couch or refrigerator, contact our office (913-393-2200) to schedule a pick-up time. Please only donate items in good, working condition.

Volunteer Information:  Volunteers are needed who have or feel comfortable driving a truck. Volunteers need to be able to move heavy items. If you would like to volunteer with Holy Haulers, please contact us.

Recipient Information:  If you are in need of a large item such as furniture or appliances, please contact us so we can assist you as soon as possible.

Neighborhood Teams
A Neighborhood Team is a group of 3 or more people that are intentionally focused on service and ministry in a specific apartment complex or neighborhood. Their role is to regularly spend time on that property and to care for and serve the people they meet – extending help and hope on a very personal level.


Backyard Bible Clubs
Backyard Bible Clubs  provide an opportunity for kids to clearly hear about the love of Jesus in a relational way It takes place as a week-long summer program on site and includes songs, games, activities, and Bible stories for children ages 3 and up. Follow-up clubs and after school “Huddles” take place at neighborhoods throughout the school year. Many children and youth begin to discover God’s great love for them as they participate in these fun and meaningful programs.


Using a discovery process, volunteers facilitate a simple Bible Study with people who are spiritually open, willing to meet, and ready to gather a small group of family or friends.  It is obedience focused, discovery based, and Scripture centered.  Each week, we ask 6 core questions, including “What does God say?” and “What will you do about it?”


Service and Discovery
Service and Discovery provides a place for spiritually interested teens (6th grade & up) to discover God and His plan for their lives through Discovery Bible Study and serving others in the context of Neighborhood Team relationships. It takes place during the school year on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, and includes planning and leading a monthly service in the community.


The desire of Mission Southside is to bathe everything we do in prayer. Prayer calls upon God to do what we cannot do. God wants to do exceedingly abundantly more than we could ever expect or imagine. Prayer says to God that our trust is in Him. If we pray according to His will then He promises to hear our prayer. The Bible makes it clear that using His people and His resources to meet the needs of those less fortunate are an important part of God’s will. Click here to receive the monthly prayer e-mail update.

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